Animation() Last Updated: August 21, 2019 14:15
Jabo Micro Game Engine don't just support static sprites it also supports animated ones. Usage: 1 new Animation(Jabo.canvasContext, {options}); Parameter: options
sprite: mush contain (JSprite) All the frames should be combined in a single image file.
x: mush contain (integer)
y: mush contain (integer)
width: mush contain (integer)
height: mush contain (integer)
speed: - How fast will the animation be updated mush contain (integer)
frame_count: - number of frames mush contain (integer)
frame_width: - width of every frame mush contain (integer)
frame_height: - height of every frame mush contain (integer)
Animation.update() - Updates the animation
Animation.render() - Shows the animation